We veterinaries fell always difficult to talk about such a delicate theme as euthanasia. However in many circumstances it is necessary to analyze the argument, above all when our friends animals only suffer from different diseases and complications. We would never like to face that moment. Nevertheless it is needed to make all clearer; we veterinaries can carry out euthanasia legally, but I am interested in talking about the cases in which it can be applied.
The awareness to make the life of a life- mate as our beloved cats and dogs come to an end should be always be the last deed of love at the end either of a long life or a serious disease or because the conditions of the animal don’t allow him to go on his way by our side.
This is the heart of the matter: only when the animal is in very serious conditions we need to resort to euthanasia: many times I have heard from the masters of my patients words like “ he is old after all” or “ I don’t want him any more”, or worse “ he takes too much of my time”, “ he makes dirty..”and the list could be longer.
The decision should be always made between the owner and the trusted veterinary Whichever option you consider, I want to underline what follows: the decision will bring suffering, it is a familiar mourning and it has to be faced as such.
The owner will have to be prepared to such an important decision. We need to evaluate the procedure, the necessary times, the medicines to use, all the manifestation which can occur, but also the place where the euthanasia will be made. I personally prefer the owner’s home rather than my studio. It is important to give all people their times, to create a familiar and loving climate around the animal; I do that even to give everyone the possibility to express emotions without feeling embarassment in front of strangers. If all this weren’t possible, I give you this suggestion: ask to your trusted veterinary to plan an appointment beyond the ambulatory times, by taking all the needed time.
Besides of the real procedure of euthanasia, it is important to have clear ideas even on the “ after”: the Italian law allows the burial only in dedicated and appointed places. Now true an proper pet cemeteries exist, with tombs and chances to place memorial gravestone. Ask your municipality for information!
You could opt for authorized companies, ASL who deal with multiple cremation, with recovery of the corpse at the owner’s home. There are also companies and authorities who not only recover the corpse but offer the owner the possibility of the single cremation. The personnel will take care of the assistance and the the return of the ashes of the animal to the owners.
The costs of the operations can vary also according to the sizes and the various selected options.
Don’t’ be afraid to talk and ask for all that you need to know to us veterinaries. Unfortunately it often happens to us to face this passage and we are aware of the deep pain this involves.